About Me


We’re all works in progress.

It’s taken me decades to discover that the work I was meant to do was to help others leave their discomfort about sexuality behind and claim lives that feel genuinely worth living.  It took forever for me to know the joy that comes from helping couples (who thought there was no hope) rediscover connection. And I’d never have guessed that helping parents learn how to talk about sexuality with their children could be healing for me too.

But now I know.


No topic is off limits.

So many of my clients tell me that I am the first person they’ve ever talked to about “this stuff”.  As a trained social worker (with an AASECT certification in sex therapy), I am committed to providing you the safe space to process your experiences. I want to hear about the experiences and thoughts you haven’t talked about before, gently and with care – as a stepping stone to moving you forward.  

There is no limit to the ways in which people have been unjustly treated by the time they come to me. 

Clients find solace in the fact that my work includes exploring and healing issues like these:

  • Racism in all its forms

  • Misogyny and misandry/toxic masculinity

  • Homophobia and transphobia

  • Anti-fatness and impact of diet culture

  • Classism

  • Agism

  • Ableism

  • Religious discrimination

Ready for change.

Over the last several years, more people than ever are seeking couples and sex therapy, and for good reason. I know that finding the right person who has availability can be challenging.  While my practice is often at capacity, I still welcome the opportunity to talk and to see if we might be a good fit in the future (near or far). Unlike other therapists, I do maintain a short waitlist and will work with you to identify if it’s worth waiting for. 

I love this work because it’s empowering for every client I encounter. Every. Single. One. I love to watch people transform into the people they want to be – that they deserve to be. Give me a call so we can assess if working together might move you toward a life you didn’t think was possible.

Contact Me

Other things you might want to know about me.

  • AASECT certified sex therapist.

  • Private practice established in 2012. Accredited and licensed LICSW (Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker) since 2008.

  • Graduate of The Developmental Model of Couples Therapy Program (via The Couples Institute, led by Ellyn Bader/Peter Pearson).

The Couples Institute Developmental Model Training Certification Badge
  • Former clinical experience: 10+ years as lead social worker in public high school and case management for Dept. of Mental Health.

  • Extensive experience in supporting clients with anxiety, mood disorders, trauma, psychosis, life transitions, sexual health, relationships and conflict avoidance.

  • Personal coping skills include live music, connecting to others and using profanity.