Sex & Relationship Therapy
Without the shame
telehealth and in-office treatment for massachusetts residents
Slow down. You can have it all.
If you live in the Northeast, you’re busy. Probably overly busy. Tending to longstanding issues in your relationship or in your bedroom are on hold while you juggle careers, carpools, mortgages, an occasional moment out with friends and recovering from the pandemic. Here’s a secret: If you can slow down (just a little), you can have the kind of intimacy and connectedness that you’ve been missing for years. You can create a new version of normal, that’s better.

“But I don’t need a sex therapist.”
Maybe you believe you “only” need an individual or a couples therapist. Maybe the idea of sex therapy feels unnecessary. Here’s another secret: sex is related to everything.
Your ideas about sex and pleasure are a direct reflection of the impact society and community has had on you, but there’s likely a lot more to learn. And if talking about sex feels too formidable, then don’t worry. I’m also a trained couples and relationship therapist, adept at resolving the most complicated issues.
Mental, sexual, physical and emotional health are infinitely intertwined. Let me show you how, and in the meantime, you might become more empowered, and sexually satisfied.
In-office and virtual support.
Getting help for sexual and relationship issues has never been more accessible. I continue to offer all of my sessions via telehealth through a HIPAA-compliant online platform. For clients who prefer even more privacy, most of my sessions are available in my brick and mortar office, located in Newton Centre.
Relationship Intensives are only available in-person.
Hi there.
I’m Hallie. I help people who are unhappy with their sex lives and their intimate relationships to change their stories – and discover how to communicate what they need and want with ease.
Every day, clients who feel disconnected from their bodies and/or their partners work with me to change their stories and live more satisfying lives.
With me, you’ll get equal parts proper sex education, a vision for your future, and a healthy dose of humor. Let’s connect and see if we might make things a little more right for you.